Why you want to invest in professional photography for your website?

As a business owner, is photography a non-essential item to you?

When you start your business journey, you will most likely invest in having your website created by a professional. You might even go further to hire a copywriter to write your website copies.

But when it comes to photos, many resorts to using stock images all throughout the web pages or use a simple headshot for the profile picture on the About-Me page.

If that is you, there’s definitely missed opportunity to maximize the impact of your website.


Human brains are wired by nature to process and comprehend visual information so much more faster and efficiently than information of any other format.

Have you ever experienced recognizing someone’s face but struggled to remember their name?

I do that a lot!

That’s because the human brain remembers more of what we see than what we read or what we hear.

We also process visual information at lightning speed.

It only takes 13 milliseconds for our brain to process a visual image. Studies suggested that it’s 60,000 times faster than processing text.

Even if you are in the school of skeptics and questioning the accuracy of this number, let’s discount it by half. It is still 30,000 times faster!

If you think your website copy is important, then consider this:

Only 28% of the text on your website are being read by most people and 45% of the visitor would leave the website after 15 seconds of reading.

With the attention time span of today’s website, visitors getting shorter and shorter these days, not leveraging the power of visual through photography significantly reduce your online visibility.

Photos on your website are not just for design and aesthetic purposes. It has an essential role to play in today’s digital marketing space.

Photos have the ability to communicate instantly not only what your brand is about and what you are like, but also the important emotions and feelings about your brand through human visual processing power.

Photos also have the ability to influence your visitor’s behavior in the following ways through eye tracking:

> retain visitors to your website for a longer period of time.

> direct people's attention to your copies or message

> encourage interaction and response to your call to action

So why as an ambitious business owner, would you not leverage the power of visuals on your digital shop front and grab the opportunity of using professional photography that is intentionally created and curated to showcase your uniqueness and make that lasting impression on your website visitors and potential clients?

Get in touch and book a call with Peggy to discover how brand photography can amplify the impact of your online presence. 👇